Wednesday, August 5, 2009

A Hairy Tale

To my friends, you must not have been reading right? Cos there's no comments. YOU made me migrate my blog so you can comment without signing up and yet no comments...I'll hunt you down. I know where you work, where u live and what mode of transport you use. I'll bomb you into pieces.....

After a few minutes of writer's block, I remembered one of the thing I wanted to blog about - MY HAIR. I would like to have a short do. Like this ....Apa macam? I'm chopping off almost 14 inches of hair which i plan to donate for charity. It's not those shaving to raise funds for charity kinda thingy but the hair that i donate will be made into a wig for cancer patients or kids suffering from hair loss. So far most of the foundations are overseas (US), i wonder if there's any in Malaysia or Singapore? Do let me know if you've heard or know of any foundations doing this. Who to ask? Where to go from here? Btw the reason why and how i found out about this was when Oprah interviewed Hillary Swank for a campaign she did for Pantene some years back.

Okay back to my short hairstyle of choice, i'm gonna look so funny like a hairy bowling ball but it'll grow back right? but it'll take forever to grow back. On average, our hair grow 0.5 inches (1cm) per month. So i should cut? Am i going to regret this? My long hair is annoying me. It always steals my food, like the time i ate ice cream and at the end of the day, i found out "it" stole a few whips of my ice cream when i wasn't looking ( i turn my hair and my hair was so long that it swept across my ice cream ). Not to mention washing my hair is a hassle. It takes ages to wash, condition and to dry. #1 reason to chop it off is : i'm balding !! :(

I've been mulling over this for a month plus. Someone help !! Pls put me out of this misery.

Someone was kind enough to translate the song into eng. You can go check the full version but i especially heart this part cos it's so sad but true : I guess I cant erase you even if I try to give up, tears flow everytime I think about you. You call me sometimes,you'd ask me to meet if Im not busy. I cant help but to agree,because we are friends.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

babe, i wanna hear tat song! i'll hear it tonight at home!

August 10, 2009 at 3:46 PM  

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